His Favorite Girl (YFG Series) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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With her new discovery at her fingertips, Melissa now has more access to the company than she's ever had before, but soon a shocking discovery sets off a series of events that might lead to her downfall.

When Mr. Shriver leaves the country on business and appoints Sean as temporary boss, things get messy really fast.

Only Melissa can hold everything together--that is, if she can stop herself from tearing everything apart.


His Favorite Girl is Book Two in the YFG Series. Book One, Your Favorite Girl, is currently free for Kindle. Click on the author's name to find it.

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Kayden: The Past (Love at Last) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual situations, graphic language, and material that some readers may find objectionable.

Kayden Michaels has a past filled with sex, addiction, and heartache. A past that he’s avoided sharing with the love of his life, Sophia, and held close to his core not risking rejection. Needing to get his addictions in check and gain control of his life for the sake of his family, Kayden is forced to confront his past and make amends for the path he’s walked.

Kayden must recount every carnal act and the betrayal from those he’s loved to identify the triggers that spur his addictions and overcome it all to be worthy of Sophia’s love.

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Take Me: The Untouchables 1 (paranormal erotic romance) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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Dominic Blackmoore meets the woman who captures his mind and body with a look and he’s instantly taken with her. When he was ordered to take another mate quickly after separating from his ex, he loathed the idea. However, after catching sight of his bruid he quickly changes his mind. He finds her utterly captivating, sensually erotic, and yearns to learn everything about her.


The woman he’s mistaken as his bruid is none other than the event planner, Felicity Shaw, for his mating ceremony. Now Dominic will do everything it takes, even lie to the woman he craves, to keep her at his side. He needs to mate with his bruid in order to win his political campaign but he finds himself falling in love with Felicity Shaw. In the end he must choose between work or love. He may make the right decision, but is it too late to save his lies from hurting Felicity?


Felicity Shaw wants more in life. She’ll even lie to get it, which is exactly how she lands a job with the illustrious Blackmoore family. However, it’s the head of the vampire household, Dominic Blackmoore, that has her heart racing and breath catching. The man consumes her unlike anyone ever has before. She can’t resist him though she tries. As she’s forced to work with Dominic she tries to keep away from him but he doesn’t make things easy.

She may want him with a passion she’s never experienced before, but she will not be with him when he’s mating to another woman. It’s either her or no one. But one terrible lies seals their fates together in ways neither of them imagined, threatening their love and the very fabric of their relationship.

Other books by T. A. Grey:
-Chains of Frost
-Bonds of Fire
-Ties That Bind
-The Fallen King

-Breeding Cycle
-Dark Awakening
-Wicked Surrender
-Eternal Temptation
-Dark Seduction
-Tempting Whispers

-Ecstasy Overload
-Evernight Romance Anthology
-Capturing Jeron

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Gathering Storm (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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Working as a gay porn star has brought twenty-two-year-old Hunter Storm fame and fortune, but it’s cost him a lot, too. He’s learned to think of his body as little more than a commodity, and he copes with his loneliness by giving himself to whoever will have him. The job has also put him in the crosshairs of a stalker, a man so deeply disturbed that Hunter and everyone around him is in danger.

Fortunately, Hunter has allies, including his best friend Christopher and Nana, a feisty senior who’s decided he's family. And then there’s Brian Nolan. When Hunter first meets the angry, wheelchair-bound former Marine, it’s hate at first sight. But despite his shattered body and tattered psyche, Brian might turn out to be the best ally of all.

This male/male erotic romance is for ADULT READERS ONLY. It includes explicit language and graphic sex. This is the fourth book in Alexa Land’s best-selling Firsts and Forever series, yet each book in the series is written to stand alone, so jump in anywhere.

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Ice Surrender: 8 (Werewolf Sentinels) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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Book eight in the Werewolf Sentinels series.

Ryder finds the process of coming into his full shaman powers harder than he expected. And it doesn’t help that he’s being relentlessly pursued by a female werewolf who doesn’t step down from a challenge. Unable to bed her for reasons of his own, he struggles to keep his yearning hidden from everyone—especially her.

Wren has set her sights on Ryder, and that is that. He may have turned her down time and time again, but she knows he’s the one meant for her. If it takes a little persuasion on her part, all the better. And sexier. She won’t give up until she gets the ultimate prize—the sentinels’ shaman as her mate.

A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah!) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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Sable writes saucy romances. She splits her time between Louisiana and Texas. Her goal as a writer is to make her readers laugh, cry and sweat - in a good way.

The world she creates in her books is one where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream.

Hell Yeah! Series Reading Order

Cowboy Heat http://amzn.to/WhY6dw
Cowboy Heat Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/11fiBVQ

Hot on Her Trail http://amzn.to/U3zpT1
Hot on Her Trail Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/19m1WHf

Her Magic Touch http://amzn.to/11b1aw6
Her Magic Touch Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/1byKNL0

A Brown Eyed Handsome Man http://amzn.to/17zmNpY
A Brown Eyed Handsome Man Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/15oW1k9

Badass http://amzn.to/UsrJJ4
Badass Sweeter Version http://amzn.to/16TqDNX

Burning Love http://amzn.to/15Z4Lyi
Burning Love Sweeter Version - http://amzn.to/1fQcwJg

Forget Me Never http://amzn.to/U3PjwK
Forget Me Never Sweeter Version - Coming Soon

I'll See You in My Dreams http://amzn.to/11nsvpg
I'll See You in My Dreams Sweeter Version - Coming Soon

Finding Dandi http://amzn.to/12kK4Kh
Finding Dandi Sweeter Version - Coming Soon

Skye Blue http://amzn.to/Ii3jyh
Skye Blue Sweeter Version - Coming Soon

I'll Remember You http://amzn.to/1ciQMFY

True Love's Fire http://amzn.to/1dw9Z31

*Books in the Hell Yeah! Series are grouped by Hell Yeah!,
Hell Yeah! Cajun Style AND Hell Yeah! Equalizers

To find out more about Sable stop by:

Facebook: http://facebook.com/authorsablehunter
Website: http://sablehunter.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/huntersable
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sablehunter
Email: sablehunter@rocketmail.com
Café Press Store: http://cafepress.com/sablehunter

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Hound Dog & Bean (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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B.G. Thomas lives in Kansas City with his husband of over well over a decade and their fabulous little dog, Sarah Jane. He sees his wonderful daughter just often enough to miss her when she isn't there. He has a romantic soul and is extraordinarily lucky to have many friends.

He loves romance, science fiction & fantasy, humor, Westerns, horror, and more. He has gone to fan-run conventions his entire adult life, and been lucky enough to meet many of his favorite writers including Isaac Asimov, Connie Willis, Anne Rice, Augusten Burroughs, Larry Niven, Andrew Grey and many more.

He has written all his life, it is where he finds his joy. In the 90's, he wrote for gay magazines, but stopped because they wanted him to cut out the story and romance, and write only sex.

Then through a few friends, he discovered the growing market of M/M Romance and was thrilled beyond words. FINALLY, a way to write the stories he always wanted to write. Adventure, romantic comedy, Westerns, fantasy, science fiction, and more, but with gay characters. And he wouldn't have to fade to black! People wanted to read the erotic as well. Plot and sex! HURRAY!

B.G. Thomas very much believes in The Law of Attraction and that "thoughts become things." A lot started happening for him all at once. He heard the words, "Leap, and the net will appear," and something re-kindled inside him. He sent out a story and was overjoyed when it sold in less than a week.

He believes that we are Divine expressions of the Universe, each and everyone. "It is never too late!," he states. "Pursue your dreams! They will come true!"

Visit his web site at http://bgthomas.t83.net or his blog at http://bg-thomas.livejournal.com or contact him directly at bgthomaswriter@aol.com

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Caine's Reckoning (Hell's Eight) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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AppId is over the quota
Hi all,

*waving* Is this a cool time to be a reader or what? So many options for new content can mean only one thing...MORE GREAT BOOKS TO READ! I am an avid reader so Kindle options thrill me to my soul.

I am, of course, an author too. I write big, fast paced books and my intent is to grab your heart in the first paragraph and not let it go until the last sentence of the last page. In between, I want you to laugh, to cry and sometimes just flat out be breathless from the energy between the characters. To me, that's the challenge in writing a good story and every time I read a review or a comment that says I delivered that moment for a reader, my heart skips a beat and my inner muse leaps into the air with a resounding, "Yes!"

2011 was a busy but rewarding year. I released 5 books, hit the New York Times and USA bestseller lists (thud!) with book 5 my Western Historical HELL'S EIGHT series, SHADOW'S STAND, started releasing my back list through the Kindle program, and moved. 2012 will be equally exciting I hope, but just a tad less busy maybe. (Website is being updated. Slated for April.) I have two more books releasing, one in each of the REAPERS (Paranormal Western Historical) and HELL's EIGHT series. I will also be releasing the super anticipated next book in the super hot UNCHAINED series (Contemporary) through Amazon's Kindle program. Yes, those sexy, alpha men from from Round the Bend will finally be getting their own stories!!

For those of you waiting for the next book in the award winning PROMISE series (Western Historical) , it's coming. And yes the WILD series (Paranormal Contemporary) and THE OTHERS (Paranormal Contemporary) series will be continuing I'm just not sure when, but I hope to have at least one written by the end of the year. Which one I can't be sure. It will depend on where the muse takes me. The muse can be a stubborn soul and sometimes must be humored. Smiling.

Thanks so much for all your support and your emails. It makes my day every time someone lets me know they enjoy my novels.

Happy reading,


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Truce (Neighbor from Hell) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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AppId is over the quota
Elizabeth knows what’s expected of her, perfection. She’s the daughter of an Earl and expected to marry well, say and do the right things with a smile on her face when inside she’s dying for a chance to escape. Thanks to an inheritance her godmother left her years ago, her chance will come with her next birthday. Her hopes of escape abruptly end when Robert, her childhood nemesis that she hasn’t seen in over fourteen years, comes back into her life and does everything he can to drive her out of her mind even as he steals her heart.

He hated her.

At least, he tried to hate her, but it was so damn difficult to hate someone that he couldn’t live without. He tried to ignore her, tried to focus on anything but her, but nothing worked. Somehow she made her way into his heart and started to make him want things that he never thought possible, made him smile and laugh even while she drove him out of his mind and started a legacy by turning him into…..

A Bradford.

Author's Note:
This is first and foremost a historical novel. This novel is written differently than the other Neighbor from Hell books. Truce is about a man who takes everything too damn seriously and can’t let go of the past until the woman that he would love to hate comes back into his life and brings out the Bradford within.

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First Ink (Wicked Ink Chronicles) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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A New York Times & USA Today bestseller!
**This is a New Adult book - Intended for 17+

Women in his bed, celebs and rockers in his chair and a killer bank account at his disposal, life is pretty freaking swell. Then she walks back into it again. With her mismatched eyes, perfect pink mouth and a laugh that still haunts him, she gave him nothing but marvelous misery. Now she wants his hands on her again. Not for pleasure, but for pain. For Ink. A bleeding heart to match the one she left him with five years ago.

She can’t forget him. No matter how hard she’s tried. The pain she caused him in the past eats at her daily, and she can’t move on with her life. But she has a plan, a hope for redemption – a way for him to take his revenge out on her flesh. But it’ll only work if he lets her inside his exclusive world, under his famous artist’s needle and into his bed—and heart-once again.

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Heated: Most Wanted Roman (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "Erotica"

As Julie was knee-high to a Grasshopper (an expression that she want it known was never used in real life) she informed her parents that she wanted a writer, and Kitty went on, a claw, to write a bestselling book about a cat as Santa Claus. (The book sold out the entire Edition one, so not split hairs over the "best-selling" thing can, okay?)

After that stellar start, Julie splash in literary art, writing short stories on yellow pads that she, her mother forced to give, continues to scribble poems on lined notebook paper, the to give them her mother forced, skits and songs, which her mother forced to see and hear you and dive headlong into high school journalism, at which point, a break mother finally.

In the school, put it as a major with the journalism thing, picking, and work at the Daily Texan, the student newspaper for the University of Texas. The idea was that you could write actually novels and, Oh, also buy food all over her.

The journalism thing cranked along well about one semester long. Then a job as a production assistant's Julie booth at a movie that but originally appeared the future as splatter, killing (and still can be found in blockbuster and Netflix) with really big Giger poster art. Julie completed tail, appeared as an extra and had a great time, promptly switched her major film.

Conclusion at the ripe age of 19, Julie chickened out and to Los Angeles for the next Steven Spielberg didn't budge. Instead, she remained in Austin and as a media Assistant worked, she decided that law was perhaps the better way to go, because hey, a degree in film so seamlessly into law is deteriorating. (Or, more likely, College was inevitable and the LSAT seemed feasible.) Any time, Julie took the LSAT in December, and was following February Baylor Law School on a full scholarship. Law School and Julie came big, and after graduating, Julie Fifth Circuit Court of appeals, where she had a fabulous time, preparation of legal opinions, the preparation of the judge was court and the regular trips as a law clerk on the to New Orleans on a Government per day. During her two years as an employee of the write error bit again and Julie wrote a play that never, never will see the light of the world. Really. So don't ask.

After her Clerkship decided Julie could go to move to the big city, and they took a job with Skadden, Arps in L.A., where she worked on a variety of cases with some very smart lawyers. She moved to a year on smaller firms (and EXEC, justify those credit hours in the school had a short stint as a production in a small film company). She worked with very smart lawyers, of which Julie to Julie Garwood (their books, not the woman herself), and the writing bug bit again introduced.

Although Julie had been writing in her limited spare time dabbling, she had lacked focus. Well, she'd discovered it has and she was determined to write a historical romance. You can read Julie's book list, note that there is no historical novels. Let's just say that they not this task successfully. Julie discovered, however, while she has a head for contemporary nuances, the ins and-outs of historical detail enough that are around her head explode.

She laid the historical editing quickly shelved and Julie turned their attention to achieve a modern romance, romance was the way to go, since the requirements of a legal order, it would be to end much more 240 400 manuscript pages, decided.

How you end it, and although she got nice feedback on the voice, the novel does not sell. Returns an editor, Harlequin's Brenda Chin, a rejection letter with a note that the hook enough of "sexy space."

Always up for a challenge, Julie came with the opening line, "You need a man," she thought potential had oodles of sexy premise. She had to find a story line. Finally, she did, and nobody does it better, Julie's first novel, was born. They entered contests, temptation, the first few chapters and purchase was ultimately directed by the same Brenda Chin, who landed the manuscript. (This is not the reason Julie thinks Brenda a great person. Really.)

Until then, Julie had identified 400 pages were finally manageable, and she had a paranormal romance along the lines of The Little Mermaid on a cat, which is almost complete in love with her master. The cat fancy sold only a few months after the original sale. Both books came out in the year 2000 together with a second temptation and Julie has at least 3 books, which annually has all there, and now the shelves far beyond twenty books to her credit, cross over a wide variety of genres, most of them in any way by the clever images in the collage are shown above on this page.

Praised by Publishers Weekly as a writer with "Flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations", have hit list Julie's books as diverse as the United States today, Waldenbooks, Barnes & noble, and all of it has made Locus magazine, Julie is a happy camper. Julie is also a two-time RITA Finalist, both times for books about strong women (a superhero and a Demon Hunter). There is probably some depth there is, and if you know what it is, please feel free to delete a row and Julie.

Julie was also the winner of the romantic times reviewer choice award for the best contemporary paranormal in 2001, the winner of reviews international organization Award for best romantic tension of 2004 and 2005 the best paranormal and the winner of the national readers' choice award for best mainstream book of the year 2005. Not that she keeps track or something.

Julie writes a series of stories that illuminated quirky romances, sexy contemporary young adult novels, mystery, paranormal Mommy and (soon!) dark urban fantasy.

Their first foray into the urban fantasy Mommy lit genre--CARPE demon: Adventures of a demon hunting soccer MOM-proved particularly successful, what pick to a BookSense, a target breakout book, other awards and honors, and a movie deal. Carpe demon, is in development as a feature film with 1492 pictures and Warner Brothers. Julie pound often on their battered wooden desk (Salvation Army, $25, gotta love it), to the project of the development to the screen strongly. (In Hollywood these things are never sure the film and food until you popcorn.)

Julie and her husband moved from Los Angeles back to Texas in 1995, and Julie quit to write lawyer full-time in 2004. Now, she lives and writes in Central Texas with her husband, two daughters and several cats. She is an active advocate of love without limits. Click here to learn more about the charities, the Julie supports.

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The Perfect Combination (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Toye Lawson Brown live in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA)and a member of the Northeast Ohio Chapter of RWA. She is also registered with GWA (Guild Writers of America).

Toye would love to hear from readers. Feel free to drop an email at: toyebrown@gmail.com or visit her website www.toyebrown.com, or join her blog at www.booksbytoye.com. Follow her on twitter @quietbreezes.

If you are purchasing any books using Kindle, she can now sign your copy to make it personal. To do so, go to www.authograph.com and look for the ebook you wish to purchase.

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Ethan (Alluring Indulgence) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Ethan is part of the Alluring Indulgence series (#5), however, this book was written to be read as a stand alone book as well.

Erotic M/M Romance
Mature Audiences

How long did it take you to find your place in the world?

For Ethan Walker, going through the motions of life, keeping his distance and never getting attached has become the mantra he lives by. Success is measured by how many hours he can work and how little attention he can draw. That was until he landed on Beau Bennett’s radar. Until Beau, Ethan had never met a man who could get him to question his own logic and even consider taking a different path.

Beau Bennett knows exactly who he is - now. It might’ve taken him some time to figure it out, but now that he has his bearings, Beau has set his sights on the mysteriously sexy Ethan Walker. Pursuing someone has never been his style, but something is telling him to keep at it because the end result is going to be worth it.

Now that they’ve found one another, how long will it take Ethan and Beau to accept that their place in the world is... Together?

Warning: This book contains sexual encounters and graphic language that some readers may find objectionable, including, but not limited to: m/m encounters, anal sex. Contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

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Man of Her Heart (Gen/Liv/Cesca #3) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

eBook only, published February 16, 2013.

This is a contemporary, modern romance and does contain sex.

Olivia de Vries's world is shattered when she learns that her husband, Reese, has been cheating on her. She promptly files for divorce and goes into seclusion with her infant son at her Manhattan apartment while she tries to adjust...and not to think about the man who, in spite of her having married Reese, has always held her heart...

Brian Price never stopped loving Liv, even after she left him four years before to take a job in Chicago. He was brokenhearted when she married another man, and even after she bore her husband a son, he couldn't forget her. When he learns her marriage is over and that she and the baby are alone on Christmas Day, he rushes to New York to be with her. While much has changed, he's determined to make her his again by Valentine's Day...this time for keeps.

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Baby Mine (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

passionate six-week affair in Italy leaves Jada Thompson pregnant, and the man she thought was just a local nobody turns out to be one of the richest men in America. Billionaire Renzo Mariani owns one of the top five wine and spirits corporations in the country. Telling herself he has a right to know about the baby and that's the only reason she seeks him out, Jada arrives at Renzo's mansion and finds out just how rich he is. She's in over her head, and the only thing left to do is walk away.

What she didn't realize was that Renzo wants more and Jada arriving on his doorstep gives him the opportunity to reignite the fire they shared in his motherland. Even if she runs scared from him, Renzo plans to have Jada on a permanent basis—body and soul—and nothing he's ever gone after has escaped him for long.

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A Few More Nights (Slice of Life) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

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Olivia Gaines is the author of numerous best selling novellas and books including Two Nights in Vegas, A Few More Nights, and have had several number one best sellers with The Blakemore Files including Being Mrs. Blakemore and Shopping with Mrs. Blakemore.

She lives in Augusta, GA with her husband, son and snotty cat, Ms. Kitty.

Connect with Olivia on her FB page at http://on.fb.me/1eorEAr or her website at http://oliviagaines.com

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Fighting temptation (men of honor) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "Erotica"

Jaxson is arrogant, angry and aggressive. Still, he is also beautiful, strong and honorable. I love unconditionally and irrevocably any damaged part of it. And for the young who do not believe in love, it would mean forever and ever.
-Julia Sinclair

Julia was different than any I had ever met. I never thought that someone so good and was true to her. The more I see you, the more I became addicted to it. Every time, when I was around them, she would destroy some of the darkness that lurked in me. She made the shit in my life seem not so bad. Then, before I knew it, I had fallen for a girl from another world. -Jaxson Reid

* * *

Julia Sinclair is your typical innocent good girl with a heart of gold. At the age of 16 she moved life Sunset Bay, South Carolina, with its grams after losing her mother to cancer. This is where she met some of the best friends you will ever have, and you especially your heart forever will keep.

Jaxson Reid is your typical tattooed bad boy. His past and the soul is as dark as the tattoos he wears. He flies through life and girls with no attachments and no emotion... until he met her.

One fateful night brought together Julia and Jaxson. They formed a friendship and a bond that was so strong it unbreakable. Jaxson's nothing more with Julia fought the temptation, because he knew that he would never be enough for her. When he learned that his control left slides he the one girl who meant everything to him to join the Navy.

But has a passion filled night jaxson's let go of the struggle against the temptation that will change their relationship forever.

A few years later Jaxson meant home things come right making a girl ever do anything with it. Except for someone not happy, Jaxson came back. Julia someone is yours and she will stop at nothing back, to make sure that it stays that way forever.

Now, jaxson's will not only fight, but also battle to protect Julia new and demons, to keep track of his soul.

This is a new adult romance and will either tells nature POV. This book is not for anyone under the age of 18 is suitable due to the strong sexual content, coarse language and mature subject matter.

This is men of Honor book one in the series. It can be read stand-alone, and has a HEA. If you are hot tattooed guys like the possessive with large alpha personalities, then this is the book for you.

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Love vs. Career (LVC Series) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

I'm an avid reader of romance, and have been for years. Though I have written stories almost all of my life, they have always been for myself. In December 2012, I decided to take it to the next level and released my first interracial romance novel, "Trial of Marriage". My next release, "Eternal Existence", is an vampire urban romance; it was published February 2013.

The stories I write are contemporary, paranormal and interracial novels that overflow with conflict, while still providing those memorable warm and sensual moments. Each captivating character will keep you entertained. My eBooks are for readers over 18 years of age.

Visit my website:

Follow on Twitter:

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Friends and Lovers: At Last (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

“Hey, Mira? Do you think it’s a good idea for friends to become romantically involved? Or, well, more accurately, I suppose, sexually involved.”

“Hmm. That’s an interesting question. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, just wondering…you know.” Jaylyn almost grimaced at the terrible lie. “So what do you think; good idea or no?”

“Well, I guess it depends,” Mira said nonchalantly. She was flipping through her book.

“Okay. On what?” Jaylyn asked.

“You know...maybe…how long they’ve been friends. How close their friendship is.” Mira paused before saying, “Or…how good the sex with Nick really was.”


When Jaylyn Marks wakes up naked in the bed of the best friend and roommate she has vowed never to become intimate with, she can’t believe she’s let herself become another name on the long list of women he’s slept with. Although she’s freaking out about the significant breach in the boundaries of their friendship, Dominick seems to be taking it all in stride. Jaylyn’s not sure whether to be relieved he’s so nonchalant about the fact they’re suddenly having sex or if she should be insulted by his casual attitude. Even though sharing something deeper with Dominick has been what she’s hoped for for a long time, the last thing Jaylyn wants is to lose his friendship if things don’t work out.

When death, family conflict, and a boyfriend who might find out about what they’ve been doing threatens Jaylyn’s peace of mind, can she and Dominick find a way to retain their friendship or will anger and confused feelings compromise everything they’ve always been to each other?

Warning: This book contains strong language and explicit sexual content.

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Making Babies With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Part 5 of the Mr White series, an interracial romance collection.

After tying the knot, talk between Natasha and Mitchell soon turns to having babies. After all, they plan on spending the rest of their lives together, so they might as well do it with a family. But will conceiving a baby be as easy as they initially think? Find out in this all new story!

Join the interracial couple through ups and down as they try and get Tasha pregnant. Due to the nature of baby making, this book contains sexually descriptive scenes. :)

Please only read if you're over 18.

Other BWWM books in this series written by J A Fielding are:

1. Is Mr White Mr Right?

2. Mr White Proposes.

3. Wedding Planning With Mr White.

4. My Honeymoon With Mr White.

Also available:

Why Do I Like White Men?

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Fueled (The Driven Trilogy) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Top Pick for Amazon's Best Romance Books for 2013

Book #2 of the Driven Trilogy

What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you’ll fight the hardest to keep?

Colton stole my heart. He wasn't supposed to, and I sure as hell didn't want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist.

Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don't think I'll ever be the same. She's seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she's still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner.

How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep?

He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won't let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far.

How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there's someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I'd never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I'll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can't be what she needs, so why can't I just let her go?

We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?

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Compromised (Uniformity) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Cops, security guards, correctional officers. They’re more than sexy men in uniforms. They have lives, they fall in love, they fight and they deal with dangerous situations. These are their stories.

Book One in the Uniformity series.

Kash never thought he’d find true love working at a maximum security prison, but that’s exactly what happens.

Correctional Officer Daniel “Kash” Kashaveroff is single, gay and working at a maximum security prison in a small town in Nevada. Not the best job or town in which to meet men. He wants to fall in love again but isn’t actively looking.

Then he begins working with a new partner, Zane Davis, and his life is turned upside down. Kash is attracted to Zane but isn’t sure the sexy man plays for his team. When the gay or not mystery is solved, Zane and Kash begin a relationship that starts as friends-with-benefits but soon becomes a committed one.

Zane is bisexual and as much as he cares for Kash, he is still drawn to women. The attraction to the fairer sex creates problems in the relationship but Kash is committed to making it work.

While dealing with his relationship issues, Kash also becomes friends with an inmate named Cody Ives. Becoming personally involved with an inmate is against the rules, but Kash believes in the young man’s innocence and insists on proving it.

Ethan Stone

Ethan Stone has recently returned to Oregon and is working on re-growing his web feet. He has been obsessed with two things in his life: books and all things gay. After spending years trying to ignore the voices in his head, he finally decided to sit down and listen to them.

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Kaleidoscope (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "Erotica"

"I love Kristen Ashley books!"--Maya banks, New York Times bestselling author

If old friends become new lovers... anything can happen.

Sexy, talented and PI Jacob Decker is loyal, a high, cool drink of perfection, that Holmes had Emmanuelle to "Hello." They kept apart his relationship with Morteza best friend for years, but things have changed. Now, as a case to gnaw him brought to bone, Colorado, the road is open to explore possible dreamed for Emme and deck slightly hotter and deeper than Emme. Why is it being sabotaged as the best that ever happened to her?

It is not easy to catch deck, unprepared but Emme does exactly, if she goes back in his life after nine years. The curvy brunette had her charm back in the day, but now she's a bona-fide ko... and she want to revive their friendship. Deck, want more. The Emme was always the one; You aroused deck of body and spirit can like no other woman. But a dark chapter from Morteza past overshadowed their future together. Now only deck set up page help her can if you let him...

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The Only Option (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Sane upwardly-mobile women don't agree to enter into arranged marriages... Or do they?

Control freak Jonah Tazi comes from a long line of arranged marriages, but the thought of his parents picking his bride never sat well with him. Time is working against Jonah, so he reluctantly agrees to allow his father to find him a proper bride. Then he meets Isis and becomes infatuated with the vibrant, funny, and talented woman. A powerful man used to getting exactly what he wants, exactly when he wants it, he is unprepared when Isis doesn’t agree to his proposal immediately. Now he is determined to convince her (and everyone else) that he and Isis belong together. Jonah intends to be her only option.

Isis Michaels has always been sheltered by her father. The tables have turned, and now she must shelter him. Isis rearranges her life and will do whatever it takes to please her father during the time he has left—almost anything. It becomes clear that he wants to see her settled before he passes. Is marrying Jonah, a man she’s emotionally and physically attracted to but just met, her only option?

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Until November (Until series) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

lmost every chapter begins with a time jump, to which we're then treated to several pages of nonstop info dumping to get us caught up on everything we missed in the time leading up to each particular time jump. It breaks up the flow of the story too much, especially when the first paragraph of each new chapter starts in the present before we immediately take a trip down memory lane. I don't want to be told, I want to be shown. I want to experience it as it happens. To be clear, there's nothing wrong with time jumps, but they can be jarring when not done well. In this book, they were used as a short-cut far too often.

Also, I'm not a fan of overlapping point of views. If I read about Asher's past in his point of view, I don't want to read the same exact thing from November's later on in the story.

There's simply not enough character development in this story. There are too many holes and inconsistencies with November's background--things that are never explained or explored properly.

The first chapter or so follows November and her new dog Beast on their boring cross-country journey from New York to Tennessee. We're treated to a heavy dose of info dumping right from the start. Several yawn-inducing scenes later, she finally arrives in Tennessee. From there, we're introduced to a handful of her dad's family, none of whom I can remember. They don't matter anyway, so what's the point? Out of sight, out of mind. To be honest, there were far too many characters in general. It was character overload. Sorry, but a character needs more than a name to be memorable.

As for Asher, he's what you'd expect in an over-the-top alpha male. There's not much else to say about him.

Anyway, it didn't take me long to discover that the blurb for this book was lie-telling:

"After leaving the big apple and her bad memories for Tennessee, November starts working for her dad at his strip club doing the books."

November is all set to start working at her dad's strip club, except, well, she has no idea her dad owns a strip club. No worries, though. It's a non-issue because, duh, what woman wouldn't want to work at her dad's strip club? However, not once in the entire story do I ever recall November doing any kind of work. It's mentioned in passing from time to time, but we don't ever see it. Then again, she's too busy being pursued by all the men in town for reasons unknown, being stalked, shopping, hating on all the women from Asher's past, and spending her days in an "Asher fog." Ah, life is good.

"November wants nothing to do with Asher but too bad for November fate has other plans."

If only this were true. From the moment she lays eyes on him--even after he acts like a complete jerk--all this idiot can focus on is how hot he is. For days on end, before they run into each other again, we're subjected to November's running commentary on Asher's spectacular good looks.

"Asher Mayson has never had a problem getting a woman that is until November."

I'm pretty sure this was never an issue. In fact, the first time he asked her out, she was quick to agree. Not only that, their first date ends with November staying at Asher's place, where she remains for the rest of the book.

Overall, this book was too simplistic and lacked intrigue and originality. I wouldn't recommend it.

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Release (Iris Series) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

***RELEASE has been updated in December 2013***

RELEASE, the stand alone debut novel by Rebecca Lynn, is Book 1 of the new Iris Series and the perfect blend of steamy erotica and sweet romance.

Two and half years after the death of her husband, twenty seven year old Ryann Thornton is finally ready to embrace life again. Goal oriented, driven, and beautiful, she has a new career, a new home, and if she can work through her doubts and insecurities, possibly a new love.

Jeremy McCallister is dominant, gorgeous, and talented. He's a notorious ladies’ man and one of New York City’s most eligible bachelors. When he sees Ryann Thornton standing in the rain, he has to have her, and when he goes after something, he gets it. However, he’ll have to work hard to convince Ryann they’re compatible both in and out of the bedroom.

When Ryann discovers her new career poses a conflict in her relationship with Jeremy, she uses it as an excuse to run scared. Will Jeremy be able to persuade her to take a risk, or will circumstances beyond their control stand in the way of their happiness?

Mature readers only.

**Book 2 of the Iris Series, REDEMPTION, is out now.**

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Marked. Part I: The missing Link (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Warning: This book contains violence, excessive language, and strong sexual content. It's intended to be read by mature audiences.

Part one of a two part series.

There are three things Lily Evans immediately notices about her new neighbor, Jay Lincoln. The first is his monstrous size, the second is the malicious way he glares at her, and thirdly, but most importantly, the three scars that mark his right eye. She knows the smart thing to do is stay away, but she has never met or seen anyone like him. The more time she spends with this frightening yet captivating man, the harder it becomes. He can make her hairs stand on end but he also has a sweetness to him that tugs at her heart. Soon she finds herself merged into his world full of murder, revenge, and deceit.

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The Eligible Suitor (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

62,469 words
Warning Alpha Male

Setting goals and accomplishing them takes dedication, determination and a strong heart...

McKenzie Wentworth's career choice of becoming a counselor for inner city kids was her
father's worst nightmare, sending Charles Wentworth on a quest to find his daughter an eligible suitor. A man that would rescue her from her chosen life that consisted of a menial salary, in a dangerous location, and would set her on a path that was suitable for a Wentworth.

McKenzie was determined to live the life that warmed her heart and was ready to put an end to the humiliation from her father's 'parade for the pathetic' as she called it, since it was how it made her feel.

For five years she turned down every suitor her father had forced upon her and was ready to put an end to her father's ludicrous quest until she saw the newest chosen one...Was he the man of her dreams? Was he the man Charles Wentworth thought he was?

Trevor Montgomery a strong alpha male had set a goal and had worked hard to achieve the prestigious chosen spot, beside Charles Wentworth. He had accomplished this by keeping his past as Reigning Fury, a legend among fight clubs, buried until he finds it rising from the grave to haunt him again...

Trevor Montgomery's ultimate goal had always been to win the heart of the woman of his dreams and losing was not an option. But would he be able to control the fiery temper that Reigning Fury would produce?

Within seconds they were in the elevator headed for the top floor. Pulling her hand from Trevor's grasp, McKenzie swallowed hard and squared her shoulders. "Mr. Montgomery, I appreciate you..."

He had her cornered, his body pressed next to hers as he captured her lips with a warm sensual kiss. His strong masculine hand was firmly around her waist pulling her closer to him. She was astounded by the magnitude of her own desire as shivers of erotic delight followed his touch.

Her defenses were weakened, her body craved more. His lips continued their hungry
search from her lips to her neck and then recapturing her mouth again. The pleasure he aroused in her was pure and explosive.

The elevator came to a stop. His lips were leaving hers. She took a chance and her hand went to the back of his neck as she tried to prolong the thrill her body was receiving. He removed her hand, keeping it in his grasp and leisurely led her to his suite.

Needing time to redeem herself and time away from him, the king of all alpha males, she surveyed the room for the bathroom. As if he could read her mind, he pointed her in the right direction. She was completely out of her realm.

Trevor removed his tie and jacket and threw them over the chair. As he unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt he headed for the bottle of champagne that was already waiting, just in case. But then losing wasn't in his vocabulary.

He had been waiting for this night for five years and it was going even better than

Her reaction to him had been stronger than he had anticipated and it pleased him immensely. Taking in her lingering scent, still being able to taste her was causing him to become aroused. His loins began to thicken with anticipation. He would definitely take his time with this one and leisurely savor every part of her. 

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Two Geeks and Their Girl (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Tymber Dalton (the "wild child" alter ego of writer Lesli Richardson) is the award-winning, bestselling author of over fifty books such as "Love Slave for Two," "The Reluctant Dom," the Triple Trouble series, and more. She also writes as Tessa Monroe and Macy Largo for Siren-BookStrand. Active in the BDSM lifestyle, the skeet-shooting native Floridian resides in the Tampa Bay area with her husband and too many animals.

She lives in her own little world, but it's okay, because they all know her there.

Amazon page as Lesli Richardson: http://amazon.com/author/leslirichardson
Website: http://tymberdalton.com
Siren Author Page: http://www.bookstrand.com/tymber-dalton
Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/TymberDalton
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tymberdalton
Google+: https://plus.google.com/118382222849341409443/

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Double Dare (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

*This is the sequel to TRUTH OR DARE*

Kelsey and Jessica return to their hometown on break from college, and the two best friends quickly get back to the naughty games they played together over the previous summer.

When Mr. Sterling walks in on one of their wild romps, Kelsey and Jessica will stop at nothing to convince him to join the forbidden fun. Can Mr. Sterling resist the temptation of a wickedly hot double dare?

This taboo 9,500 word erotic story is for mature audiences only.

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For You I Do (The Beaumont Series #4) (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "erotica"

Bianca Beaumont is finally engaged! She’s happy… until longtime family friend London Brown tells her she’s marrying the wrong guy. Not that Bianca believes London at first, but the sexy restaurateur has convincing proof. Now Bianca is single, and she’s got a secret of her own… A true gentleman despite his bad boy reputation, London proposes marriage to avoid a Sheraton Beach scandal. She is a Beaumont after all! Bianca agrees in name only. But London knows she’s feeling the sizzling heat of their attraction. And he’s prepared to turn it up a notch, but only when Bianca is ready, willing and able to claim him as her husband… in every way.
Angie Daniels has released over two dozen novels. She has won numerous awards including a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for When it Rains, and an Emma Award for Favorite Erotic Romance, for A Delight Before Christmas. She began her road to publication in 2001 when she was offered a four-book deal with Genesis Press. In 2002 she signed with BET/Arabesque which was purchased by Harlequin/Kimani Romance in 2005. Angie joined Kensington Publishing in 2003. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Columbia College. For more information about upcoming releases, and to connect with Angie on facebook, please visit her website at www.angiedaniels.com.

Waiting to see what happens will keep readers glued to the pages. 4.5 Stars- RT Book Reviews

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