December 1st, 2013. Bathroom, Chic Small Bathroom Tile Ideas.
These small bathroom tile ideas will inspire you who plan the bathroom remodel project. Bathroom tile is one of the most important elements in designing bathroom interior. The choice of the tile types and colors will affect the bathroom look. Neutral color is the popular color choice for the small bathroom. This will make the bathroom with minimalist concept looks sleek and spacious.
Tile is not always as the dominating element of the bathroom. It can be the small bathroom tile accent. The cocoa color time will look great as the wall accent of the gray concrete bathroom wall. If you want to use the tile as the major bathroom element, you can pick the tile with neutral color or rustic texture, such as grey or white. If you want the dramatic standpoint, you can use the sparkling color such as silver. The silver tile backsplash will give your bathroom an aesthetic look. Tile is great for bathroom flooring or wall. It is easy to clean and to maintain rather than the concrete elements.
For you who prefer using tile as the accent, here are some tile decorative ideas, especially for small bathroom wall. The minimalist bathroom will be perfect with the patterned tile flooring. Combined with the white color theme, the white and green tile patterned flooring will give the fresh accent to your small bathroom. For the beautiful bathroom applying the soft color, the tile mosaic will be perfect for the vanity wall.
The raised tile is also perfect for your decorative bathroom wall. The contemporary backsplash is the perfect choice for the white themed bathroom. The unique pattern such as the basket weave is great to be employed to the modern bathroom with sleek design. Small bathroom tile designs are available in various styles that give you many choices of how to apply them.

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About authorMagali Azmora Accola, yep that is the name of author for this post "Chic Small Bathroom Tile Ideas". You can check to Magali Azmora Accola author page to know more. Taged in bathroom wall, bathroom tile, tile mosaic, silver tile backsplash, minimalist concept, minimalist bathroom, bathroom remodel, small bathroom, and Bathroom.
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